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  • GAIA GREEN Bone Meal is a premium, slow-release fertilizer, recommended for bulbs, vegetables, annuals, perennials, shrubs, and lawns. GAIA GREEN Bone Meal is primarily used as a source of phosphorous and calcium to improve nutrient conditions for root development, vigorous green growth, and profuse blooms.




    GAIA GREEN Bone Meal is approved for use in organic agriculture by Ecocert Canada (in compliance with Canada’s Organic Production Systems General Principles & Management Standards and Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB 32.310-2015 and CAN/CGSB 32.311-2015)).


    • An excellent source of slow release phosphorus and calcium.

    • Helps mitigate soil acidity.

    • Can be liberally applied without risk of burning orsoil salination.



    Available Phosphoric Acid (P₂O₅) ................ 14.0%

    Calcium (Ca) .............................................. 26.0%

    100 Tyler Mesh Sieve (minimum) ............... 40.0%


      Gardens and landscapes: Broadcast and incorporate up to 1.25 kg per 25 m2 (10.25 lbs per 1000 ft2). Apply up to a maximum of 5 kg per 25 m2 (40 lbs per 1000 ft2) annually.

      Farm: Apply up to 2000 kg per ha (2240 lb per acre) annually. Field rates are best calculated based on soil conditions and crop demand.

      Turf: For single applications, broadcast up to 0.1 kg per 25 m2 (1 lbs per 1000 ft2). Apply up to a maximum of 0.3 kg per 25 m2 (3 lbs per 1000 ft2) annually. Water turf thoroughly after application. Only apply to actively growing turf.

      Pre-mixing soil for hanging baskets, potted plants and planter boxes: Mix at a rate of 45 ml per 4 L (3 tbsp per gallon) of soil or growing medium.

      Top-dressing hanging baskets, potted plants and planter boxes: Apply 15 ml per 4 L (1 tbsp per gallon) of soil or growing medium. Gently dig into the soil surface. Apply up to once a month. Perennials, tubers and bulbs: Mix 45 – 90 ml (3 – 6 tbsp) into the soil in the planting hole.

      Store in a cool, dry location, out of direct sunlight. Protect from frost and other climatic extremes. Seal packaging between uses.

GAIA GREEN Bone Meal 20kg

Excluding GST/HST

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    1541 Star Top Rd Unit 10, Ottawa, ON K1B 5P2, Canada

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    Hours of Operation
    Mon   - 10am-4pm
    Tues  - 10am-4pm
    Wed   - 10am-4pm
    Thur  - 10am-4pm
    Fri     - 10am-4pm
    Sat     - 9am-3pm
    Sun    - Closed for Feb


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